With a total of 1,005 Burger Love dishes sold between Aug. 26 and Sept. 4, participants are already looking forward to next year’s event.
“The response has been fantastic,” said Patrick Larose, from the TASTE BUDS. “The restaurants always do a great job. But the community really showed their support for this event. Out of all the events we’ve hosted in the past, this one had the most burger votes and burger sales, which makes it the most successful one yet.”
After tallying YOUR votes, the winner of the 2020 People’s Choice Burger is Gaetan’s Chip Stand with the ‘Heart Stopper’. Congratulations! An honourable mention is extended to Tilly’s Eatery & Delicatessen for coming in a very close second with The Drama Burger. Don’t forget to comment on our Facebook page and Instagram to let us know which 2020 Burger Love entry appealed to your taste buds the most.

This year’s judging panel was comprised of Bill Hallman (of Boom 101.9 and Happy Popcorn Co.), Chelsea Jodoin (of The Cornwall Local), Justine Viray-Levac (of Schnitzel’s European Flavours), Cameron Forrester (of ForresterFilms) and Kevin Lajoie (of Cornwall Tourism). After spending an entire day of gorging on seven, mouth-watering dishes and much deliberation, the 2020 Judge’s Choice Burger is Lancaster Pizzeria’s ‘The Italiano’ Burger.

“Special thanks to the restaurants for doing such a great job and to Cornwall Tourism for sponsoring our event,” said Matthew Girgis, from the TASTE BUDS.
All restaurants involved offered a unique and socially safe experience, maintaining COVID-19 guidelines, while still bringing the community together. To find out more about great, local events visit www.cornwalltourism.ca.
“Our customers really enjoyed it,” said Troy Paquette, co-owner of Brunch on Pitt. “It brought new customers in, and a bunch of people were trying different places (involved in Burger Love).”
For participants like Terry Suave, owner of Gaetan’s Chip Stand, creating a unique burger was just as enjoyable as eating one.
“It was great, we had a lot of fun. We made a competition with it in house,” explained Sauve.
Not only did each of Sauve’s employees face off to see which could sell the most burgers, all eight Gaetan’s Chip Stand locations submitted an idea for the Burger Love entry.
“(I) made each location design a burger themselves…(then I) decided on one item from each location’s (burger) so everyone had a part in it. We all worked at it as a team, all 65 employees, and put everyone’s opinion in it,” said Sauve, who is also proud to announce the grand opening of a new location in Glen Walter this week.
Sauve, much like Adam Kluver, owner of Lancaster Pizzeria, was very satisfied with the advertising seen during Burger Love.
“I always get a lot of community support,” said Kluver, reflecting on winning People’s Choice four years in a row in previous year’s competitions.
“I consider it a success…and I will always support the TASTE BUDS,” said Kluver.
Jason Shoot of Séguin Patate and Jennifer Desnoyers of Simply Jennifer both took pride in staying on brand with their 2020 entries.
“Overall it was a great experience,” said Shoot. “It’s just fun you know, to see the whole team and the great group of judges.”
“We offered something completely different, an alternative for people,” said Desnoyers, reflecting on her entry promoting inclusivity for individuals with various dietary needs and choices.
Tilly’s Eatery & Delicatessen and Truffles Burger Bar were unable to provide a comment before the time of publication.
Be sure to keep up with the TASTE BUDS to know what’s trendy and tasty in Cornwall & area!
We are hoping to launch our next event in late Oct. or early Nov. and we’re also working on some new, fun ideas for 2021!